
  • Yu. Arieshyna Educational and Scientific Institute of Physical Culture, AS Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University
  • Ya. Kopytina Educational and Scientific Institute of Physical Culture, AS Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University
  • O. Perepechenko Kyiv City Center for Social, Professional and Labor Rehabilitation of the Disabled
  • S. Moroz Korostensky city college of Zhytomyr region


person with special needs, physical condition, physical therapy, rehabilitation, visual impairments


Purpose of thе study was to determine the effectiveness of the comprehensive physical therapy program impact on the physical condition of adults with special needs who have visual impairments. Material and methods. Such research methods as Matthiassh test, express-tests to determine the level of basic physical conditions, respiratory tests by Shtange and Genche were used. The study involved 40 people with special needs 18-35 years old, who had complete or partial loss of vision. Patients of the main group (n=20) took a course of physical therapy according to the developed program. It included various means of physical activity (morning hygienic gymnastics, aerobic cyclical exercises, in particular, skiing, training at exercise machines, fitballgymnastics, dance therapy) in combination with the spatial orienteering training and the socio-psychological training. Results. External examination of patients at the beginning of the program, testified to the presence of a functionally changed posture, round back and shoulders. The time of retention of the straightened posture with the arms raised forward (Matthiassh test) showed weakness of muscle corset in both groups. The examined persons had a reduced level of most basic physical conditions and insufficient functional parameters of the
respiratory system. After the application of the proposed physical therapy program, the final results of the Matthiassh test in the main group increased by 21,34±2,53% (p<0.05 compared with the initial results). At the end of the physical therapy course, the participants of the main group demonstrated better results in such tests as muscle strength (women), static balance, the accuracy of the spatial parameter of movements (men), speed (men), general endurance, and flexibility. The results in the respiratory test by Shtange increased by 14,52±3,44%, and in the test by Genche – by 8,53±1,26% (p<0.05 compared with the initial results). Conclusions. These results testified to the positive impact of the proposed physical therapy program on the functional state of various body systems of people with special needs, who had visual impairments. Such dynamics determined more favorable conditions for their further adaptation and socialization in general.
Keywords: person with special needs, physical condition, physical therapy, rehabilitation, visual


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