
  • S. Popel Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
  • M. Lesiv Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
  • I. Bilous Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
  • R. Hrynevych Sports and recreation center “Health”


electromyography, physical activity, fatigue,, age, age features


The aim of the article: to study the age-related features of the functional state of the neuromuscular
apparatus when performing cyclic work to failure in laboratory conditions. Metods. The study involved 14 adult cross-country skiers (25–28 years old) and 12 teenagers (14–15 years old) of the I and II sports categories. As the maximum physical load (to failure) used imitation of alternate two-step walking on the spot. For each study, the walking pace was 60% of the maximum. Skiers-racers performed imitation under the electronic metronome. The step length remained unchanged throughout the study, the duration of the simulation reached 30–40 minutes. The following physiological parameters were used to assess the state of the neuromuscular apparatus: reflex excitability of the spinal motor neurons (in terms of the amplitude of the maximum H-response); latent period of H- and M-responses; The rate of excitation spreading on the sensory and motor fibers of the tibia in the region of the popliteal fossa and medial tibia of the tibia using the “Micro Neuro-Soft” electroneuromyograph. Result. Study found that in adult and young skiers, the relative proportion of motoneurons that are involved in the reflex response is the same. The duration of the exercise in adolescents reached approximately the same values as adult athletes and is 30-40 minutes. However, the dynamics of the studied functional indicators had its own specific features: when young skiers did not, the amplitude of the H-response decreased only by 24.0% compared with the initial level.
Conclusion. Reflex excitability of spinal motor neurons after performing the cyclical work of maximum
power in adult athletes is more pronounced than that of athletes-adolescents, which indicates faster fatigue after testing, but high physical performance during testing.
Keywords: electromyography, physical activity, fatigue, age features.


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