
  • H. Tamozhanska National University оf Pharmacy
  • A. Nevelyka National University оf Pharmacy
  • N. Zelenenko National University оf Pharmacy
  • s. Kobzar National University оf Pharmacy


physical development, physical fitness, students, strength index, body mass index, vital index


The article presents the results of testing physical indicators and determining the level of health status for students of the 1st and 2nd year (Ukraniane students and foreign students) of the National University of Pharmacy during one academic year. 511 native and foreign students of NUPh I and II years of study were surveyed. In the course of the examination, the body mass, standing height, arm strength, lung capacity, pulse
measurement, Ruffe’s test and calculated Kettle index, body mass index, strength index and vital index were determined.
The results of the research indicate that the level of health of students of the first and second year students is “below average”. Significant differences in body mass index, height, standing and bristle and pulse strength are not marked. The average lifetime capacity of lungs in domestic students is better than in foreign, and he indicator of the sample is Ruffie opposite. The Kettle index and the index of body mass index in domestic and foreign students of the 1st and 2nd grades are within the normal range, while the indicators of the vital and power index are at a low level.
Keyword: physical development, physical fitness, students, strength index, body mass index, vital index.


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