
  • R. Faichak Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
  • T. Mytskan Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
  • B. Lisovskyi Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University


stress resistance, teenagers, means of physical education


Aim. Theoretically, to substantiate, develop and verify the effectiveness of the program for correction of the stress resistance of teenage-lyceum students under the conditions of the examination session by means of physical education. Methods. To solve this aim, the following research methods were used: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodologic literature, psychological testing, physical fitness testing, express assessment of somatic health, spirography and electrocardiography using such computer programs as CARDIOLAB and SPIROCOM +, pedagogical and experiment, methods of mathematical statistics.140 lyceum students (80 boys and 60 girls at the age of 16 years) of Ivano-Frankivsk Technical Lyceum took part in the pedagogical experiment. At the level of the formative pedagogical experiment, control and experimental groups of girls (15 people) and boys (20 people) were formed. To improve the stress resistance, a sports and health program “anti stress” was developed, which included the use of cyclic types of sports exercises, sports games and breathing gymnastics. Differentiated approach to the dosage of physical activity was carried out taking into account the level of somatic health and the development of physical qualities, in particular endurance. Results The implementation of the “anti stress” program allowed reliably to reduce the reactivity of the heart to exam stress. Thus, heart rate in experimental groups increased significantly for boys by 17.6% and for girls by 18.1%, in comparison with control groups. No significant changes in diastolic blood pressure were found. At the sametime, the growth of systolic blood pressure decreased by 14.0% and 9.7% respectively, and the stress index by 48.2% and 50.4% respectively. Regarding the vegetative rate of rhythm, it decreased accordingly by 10.6% and 12.6%. The study of the function of external respiration revealed an increase in the MI (16.2% boys and 28.0%
girls) of the Tiffen index (9.6% and 26.2%, respectively), the forced JEL (16.6% and 15.4%), and the maximum the volume of forced inspiration and exhalation (11.1 and 16.6%) of the representatives of the experimental group (Table 3). These data indicate improvements in the functional reserves of the respiratory system andrespiratory regulation mechanisms, which is known to increases the ability of the organism to resist the
influence of stress factors. Conclusion. It has been revealed that the most optimal means of correction of the amount of psychoemotional (exam) stress for teenage-lyceum students is individually dosed anaerobic-aerobic exercises (according to theindexes of physical health and level of development of physical qualities) in combination with breathing gymnastics.
Keywords: stress resistance, teenagers, means of physical education.


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