
  • I. Shapovalova Private University Sciences


autism, emotional state, horse riding, coordination abilities, autism spectrum disorders, rehabilitation


The article substantiates and experimentally verifies the effectiveness of the use of horse riding in the rehabilitation of the children with autism spectrum disorders. Methods of research: theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical methods of research, functional methods of research (tests), methods of mathematical processing of data. As a result of the study, diagnostic tools for determining the
coordination abilities and emotional state of children with autistic spectrum. It is shown that therapeutic horseback riding is a multifunctional method of rehabilitation, which allows taking into account the psychological and physiological status of a person. The horse becomes a connecting link between the inner world of the child and the surrounding reality. This method contributes to the maximum mobilization of
volitional activity, socialization, and the formation of more harmonious relationships with the world. The hippotherapy ensured the simultaneous inclusion in the work of virtually all groups of muscles of the body of the rider – because sitting on the horse and moving with him, the child throughout the session instinctively sought to maintain balance. The effectiveness of horse riding in the physical rehabilitation of children with autism spectrum disorders has been proved, as demonstrated by a comparative analysis of the results of the tests performed at the beginning and at the end of the study. In the process of re-testing within the experiment, positive dynamics have been confirmed in the development of children with autism spectrum disorders; improvement of their coordination abilities and emotional state, socialization and adaptation to interaction with the surrounding world. It is concluded that horse riding for children with autistic spectrum disorders contributes
to their development, establishment of relations with the surrounding world, improvement of the general level of socialization.
Keywords: autism, emotional state, horse riding, coordination abilities, autism spectrum disorders


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