
  • Anna Hakman Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University



university of the third age, old age, psychophysical state


The article discusses the problem of having an orderly relationship between old people within the walls of
a university of third age. The purpose of the study is to determine, on the basis of theoretical and methodological analysis, the integration of the third-generation university for the elderly. Research methods and organization: analysis of literary sources, methods of theoretical interpretation (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, generalization), sociological methods of research (questioning). The study was conducted on the basis of “Third Age University” on the basis of the Chernivtsi Municipal Territorial Center for Social Services “Turbot” and the A. Kolping Third Chernivtsi University. 103 people took part in the poll. Results. Two models of UTA activity that function in Ukraine are identified, the main functions performed by education in the life of the older generation are identified, the means that contribute to the process of development of older people within the walls of UTA are identified, social functions of UTA are identified. The sociological research revealed the leading motives for attending university for the elderly. The basic forms of intellectual activation of the elderly in UTA are revealed. Conclusion. Thus, during their existence, UTA have become an important component of the system of continuing education, have become a powerful factor in the education of older people, their comprehensive activation and gerontological prevention. Hearing students form a specific group, characterized by a high level of formal education and social activity, as well as sufficient financial support. Attending UTA has a positive effect on the development of the elderly, their worldview and emotional state, but to obtain such results requires 5 to 10 years of study. Projections indicate that the popularity of teaching in the UTA will increase as the educational level of older people is steadily increasing. This actualizes the problem of further improvement of the UTA activities.
Keywords: university of the third age, old age, psychophysical state.


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