
  • Ihor Vypasnyak Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
  • Oksana Samoyluk Rehabilitation Center Martin
  • Tetiana Mytskan Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University



young athletes, physical development, football players, basketball players


The purpose of the work is to conduct a comparative analysis of the physical development of boys of 7-10
years who practice and do not play sports. Methods. The analysis of professional scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical observation, anthropometry, dynamometry and methods of mathematical statistics are used. Results. It has been found that as basketball players grow older, there is a greater increase in body length indicators compared to children in both groups, rather than boys engaged in sport. In addition, non-athletes’ body length increases at a slower pace than athletes’ one. The maximum increase of 5.44% was recorded in boys engaged in basketball between 9 and 10 years. We found that the weight-growth rate of 7-10 year-old boys, who aren’t engaged in sport, was 7 years (12,11; 0,94 kg · m3), in 8 - (12,79; 1,89 kg m -3), in 9 - (12.37;1.57 kg m -3) and in 10 - (12.85; 1.60 kg m -3). At the same time, it was designated that 7 year-old boys playing football had 3.67% and basketball players had 3.24% less value. The study revealed that among the 9 year-old and 10 year-old boys, statistically significant (p <0.05) differences between the magnitude of the power index were observed. Thus, in 9 year-old boys playing football and basketball the power index was 25.22% and 14.93% higher than in boys not playing sports. At the same time, in 9 year-old boys this increase was 16.31% and 17.62% respectively. Moreover, in both cases it was discovered that the power index of both football players and basketball players от statistically significant (p <0.05) higher than the figures in boys who practice or don’t practice sport. However, there were no statistically significant differences between 9 year-old and 10 yearold boys. The perspectives for further research are related to the development of technology for correcting the
biomechanical properties of young athletes’ foot by means of physical rehabilitation.
Keywords: young athletes, physical development, football players, basketball players.


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