
  • Leonid Mosiychuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University named after V. Hnatyuk



physical education, interest, physical educatio, psychological and pedagogical conditions, physical activity, school-family system


The purpose of the study is to identify a complex of psychological and pedagogical conditions that contribute to the effective education of younger students of interest in exercise and to develop a method for their implementation in the school-family system . Research methods and organization. The experiment was attended by students of 3rd and 3rd grades of secondary school. The first one was the experimental group of subjects (19 students), the second one was the control group (18 students). In the experimental group, classes were conducted according to the methodology we developed, in the control group – according to the traditional one. To achieve this goal, the following research methods were used: theoretical analysis and generalization of special information sources; pedagogical observation of the activity of students in the classroom; questioning of students and their parents, pedagogical experiment; methods of mathematical statistics. The pedagogical experiment lasted six months. Results. The analysis of best practices of schools and numerous scientific researches shows that the process of formation of the need for physical perfection of students begins at an early school age with the cultivation of interest in physical exercises. In addition, the available methodological developments do not include the implementation of a full range of psychological and pedagogical factors that contribute to the
interest of children in the classroom. In particular, it has been found that theorists and practitioners do not pay proper attention to extracurricular and extracurricular forms of physical education, in which the child’s family environment plays a special role. Conclusions. Only about 20% of younger students and their parents were found to have a high level of interest in exercising. The pedagogical experiment showed that the complex implementation of relevant psychological and pedagogical factors in close cooperation between school and family contributes to a significant increase in the interest of students in various forms of physical education and significantly increases their activity in the classroom.
Keywords: physical education, interest, physical education, psychological and pedagogical conditions,
physical activity, school-family system.


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