
  • Dmytro Piontkovskyi Humanities Institute of National Aviation University
  • Bohdan Mytskan Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
  • Tetiana Mytskan Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University



BMX athletes-cyclists, initial training stage, speed and coordination abilities, of two-component psychophysical influence


To develop and experimentally test the effectiveness of the program of development of speed and coordination abilities of athletes of cycling sports BMX at the stage of initial preparation. Methods. During the study, a pedagogical experiment was conducted that lasted for 3 years. At various stages of the experiment, 72 young BMХ cyclists participated, 36 of whom were in control groups (12 participants in each), and 36 – in the
main ones. The assessment of the level of development of speed abilities and absolute coordination abilities was carried out by means of motor tests (running 30 m, shuttle running 3x10 m). Maintaining the vertical stability of the body was determined using the E.Y. Bondarevsky. For the purpose of accentuated development of coordination abilities, complexes of non-specific BMX exercises, namely jumping on a trampoline, were applied. The motivational component of beginners cycling BMX was determined using the methods of diagnosis of personality motivation to achieve success and avoidance of T. Ehler’s failures. Psychological component of the program of two-component psychophysical influence, was based on the use of verbal means of psychological training of athletes, the use of methods of psychological motivation to perform non-specific exercises. Results. It is proved that the indicators of development of the studied physical abilities of participants of the main groups at
the end of the annual macrocycles of training under the influence of the author’s program implementation significantly increased in comparison with the similar indicators of the control groups. At the same time, the level of vertical stability of the body of cyclists-beginners of BMC of the main groups increased and at the last stage of the study exceeded the norms of the average level established for the European population in the age cohort of 10-year-old athletes. At the same time, a statistically significant difference was found between the average group results of passing the competitive distance of 380 m by the participants of the main and control groups in favor of young athletes of the main groups in all three annual macrocycles of training. Conclusion. The use of two-component psychophysical influence on the development of special physical qualities in the initial training groups of BMX cyclists provides for intensive improvement of both speed and coordination abilities as well as vertical stability, as well as improvement of the results of competitive activity.
Keywords: BMX athletes-cyclists, initial training stage, speed and coordination abilities, programs of
two-component psychophysical influence.


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