
  • Ihor Vypasnyak ДВНЗ “Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника”
  • Iryna Ivanyshyn ДВНЗ“Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника”



adults, musculoskeletal system, posture functional disorders, correction, physical education


The purpose of the work is on the basis of theoretical analysis and own experimental research, to scientifically substantiate, develop theoretical and methodological foundations of corrective-preventive technologies concept in physical training of adults with MSS functional disorders in order to improve their health-forming orientation. Methods. The analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature and Internet sources data were carried out with the purpose to establish work priority directions, determine problematic questions on prevention and correction of MSS functional disorders of adults in the process of physical traınıng. Sociological research methods (interview and questionnaire). Empirical research level (pedagogical observation, pedagogical physical fitness testing that is the determination of general endurancelevel, strength endurance of torso muscles, force endurance of upper extremities and backmuscles, spinal column flexibility, movements speed development, hip joints mobility and hamstrings elasticity, movements static body balance; pedagogical experiment). Biomedical methods (anthropometry – examination of adult persons was carried out by standard equipment according to the conventional and unified methods of V. Bunak in the modification of E. Martirosov, using the Pinnier index was determined the type of body structure; photography and posture analysis of students was done using the “Torso” program; visual screening of the posture biogeometric profile was carried out with the help of express control card. Results. During research there was developed the prevention and correction concept of musculoskeletal system functional disorders of adults in physical education process, distinctive features of which is the management methodology construction, taking into account the individual features of their’ posture biogeometric profile, including theoretical and practical components. The practical component included corrective and prophylactic technologies. Conclusions. For theoretical concept provisions realization, we have developed prevention and correction technologies of MSS functional disorders of adults in physical training process. The purpose of technology is justification and implementation of correctivepreventive measures aiming at correction of MSS functional disorders, students physique in physical training process taking into account their biogeometric profile level to improve its health-forming orientation.
Keywords: adults, musculoskeletal system, posture functional disorders, correction, physical education.


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