
  • Vasyl Khlopetskyi Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
  • Serhii Kuryliuk Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University




technology, students, fitness, correction, physical health


The aim. To find out the effectiveness of the technology of correction of negative mental states of students
by means of health fitness. Research methods. A battery of K. Zukhora tests was used to determine the state of
motor abilities and physical fitness of students. The level of physical health was determined by rapid assessment
of the level of physical (somatic) health GL Апанасенка. Results. As a result of the experiment, the level of SZ of
students of pedagogical specialties of EG significantly improved. In particular, the changes were associated with
a decrease of 35.42% and 18.75% of the share of students with low and below average levels of SS and an
increase of 43.75% of their share with the average level (χ2 = 39.58; P <0, 01). It should also be noted that
10.42% and 2.08% of EG students had above average and high levels of physical health, respectively. In CG, the
number of students with low levels of physical health increased by 4.26% due to a corresponding decrease in
those with average and above average levels, which was in line with the general trend in the level of health of
student youth. The integral indicator of physical fitness has significantly improved in EG students. The minimum
level of physical fitness was 2.08% of students against 27.08% before the experiment, satisfactory – 52.08%
against 54.17%, good and very good levels of physical fitness were 39.58% and 4.17%, respectively. It should be
noted that 2.08% of students showed a high level of physical fitness, which was not observed before the
experiment (χ2 = 16.84; P <0.01). The conducted research testifies to the positive influence of the technology of
correction of negative mental states of students with the use of health-improving technologies on the indicators
of mental and physical condition of students of pedagogical specialties.


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