
  • Vitaliy Kashuba National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport
  • Vladyslav Danylchenko National Academy of Internal Affairs
  • Ilya Vako Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University
  • Oleksandr Krymets National Academy of Internal Affairs




hand combat technique, qualimetry, motor failures


The purpose of the study is to determine the guidelines for efficiency improving of hand combat
techniques formation process. In the special literature it is observed that the failure is a kind of exercise
performing with a deviation from technique model, which has a significant impact on the action result. The main
failures are failures that distort the main movement mechanism, additional failures distort the technique details.
Objectives of the study: based on the expert assessments method using, to identify perspectives for efficiency
improving of forming process of the basic hand combat technique. Results. In the research there were
determined the consistency degree of experts’ opinions in ranking the typical failures that cadets make while
mastering painful and stifling techniques in special physical training process. The obtained data suggest that
technical failures overcoming is one of the most important tasks of special physical training process. A lot of
failures that cadets make while mastering painful and stifling techniques are connected with motor imprecisions.
According to modern ideas, motor imprecision is an integral component of motor activity. It is important to note
that motor failures are not only significant imprecisions. The athlete may be not acquainted enough with some
motor action forming, that results in its failure, as for exercise technique and performance technique, the result
of inability (especially in lack time conditions) to find a suitable exercise technique to create special (that differs
from usual) conditions of its implementation, as a result of ineptitude to provide proper exercise performance
due to insufficient motor potential, including fatigue. The guidelines for efficiency increasing of basic hand
combat technique forming process have been determined. Conclusijn. Prospects for further research will be
related to the concept development of basic hand combat technique forming in young athletes.
Keywords: hand combat technique, qualimetry, motor, failures.


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