
  • Yuriy Furman Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsіubynskyі State Pedagogical University
  • Victoria Golovkina Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
  • Svitlana Salnikova Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
  • Yuriy Dovhiy Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics



swimmers, the frequency of heart constraction, a recuperation, interval hypoxic respiration, aquafitness


Aim. To establish the complex effect of training sessions on aqua fitness and interval hypoxic breathing
on the restoration of cardiovascular function in young swimmers after standard exercise. Material, The study
involved 62 athletes aged 11–12 years, whose sports experience was 2–3 years. During 24 weeks at different
stages of the study (8, 16 and 24 weeks) studied the dynamics of recovery of heart rate after dosed exercise in
individuals who used in the training process elements of aqua fitness and interval hypoxic respiration
techniques. It is established that the use of elements of aqua fitness and interval hypoxic respiration techniques
with athletes of the main group accelerates the recovery of heart rate after exercise of a cyclical nature. Results.
The growth of results in all sports is due to increased efficiency of training sessions due to the introduction of the
latest technologies in the systematic training of athletes. The health-improving effect of physical exercises in
water is due to the high energy cost of work, the phenomenon of gravitational unloading of the body, the positive
effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the presence of a stable hardening effect. Taking into
account the experience of previous researchers, we predicted that the integrated application of the technique of
interval hypoxic respiration and elements of aqua fitness in the training process of young swimmers will help
improve their functional and physical fitness. Conclusions. Thus, the positive effect of the combined effect of
aquafitness and interval hypoxic respiration on the recovery of cardiovascular function after standard exercise
suggests that these tools provide accelerated formation of structural and functional trace of adaptation of young
swimmers to aerobic exercise and contribute to improved regulation of the cardiovascular system.
Key words: swimmers, the frequency of heart constraction, a recuperation, interval hypoxic respiration,


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6. Furman YuM, Holovkina VV, Salnykova SV, Sulyma AS, Brezdeniuk OYu, Korolchuk AP, Nesterova
SYu. Effect of swimming with the use of aqua fitness elements and interval hypoxic training on the
physical fitness of boys aged 11–12 years. Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of
physical training and sports. 2018; 22(4): 184-188. Doi: 10.15561/18189172.2018.
7. Salnykova SV, Furman YuM, Sulyma AS, Hruzevych IV, Gavrylova NV, Onyschuk VYe, Brezdeniuk
OYu. Peculiarities of aqua fitness exercises influence on the physical preparedness of women 30-49 years
old using endogenous-hypoxic breathing method. Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of
physical training and sports. 2018; 22(4): 210-215. Doi: 10.15561/18189172.2018.0407
8. Sergiy Drachuk, Viktoriia Bohuslavska, Maryan Pityn, Yuriy Furman, Viktor Kostiukevych, Nataliia Gavrylova,
Svitlana Salnykova, Tetiana Didyk, Energy supply capacity when using different exercise modes
for young 17–19-year-old men, Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES). 2018; 18(1): Art 33,
9. Victoria Golovkina, Svetlana Salnukova. Comparative Characteristics of Functional Capability of 11–12
year-old Swimmers Connected with Their Gender and Possibilities of Its Improvement. Prace Naukowe
Akademii im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie Kultura Fizyczna. 2018; 1(XVII): 79-85.
10. Volodymyr Vitomskiy, Iryna Hruzevych, Svitlana Salnykova, Alla Sulyma, Volodymyr Kormiltsev, Yuriy
Kyrychenko, Larysa Sarafinjuk. The physical development of children who have a functionally single heart
ventricle as a basis for working physical rehabilitation technology after a hemodynamic correction. Journal
of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES). 2018;Volume 89, Issue No 18(2): 614-617.
11. Volodymyr Vitomskiy, Volodymyr Kormiltsev, Iryna Hruzevych, Svitlana Salnykova, Yurii Shevchuk,
Yulia Yakusheva. Features of the physical development of children with functionally single heart ventricle
as a basis of the physical rehabilitation technology after a hemodynamic correction. Journal of Physical
Education and Sport ® (JPES). 2018; 59, 18, Supplement 1: 421-424.




