
  • Vitaliy Kashuba National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport
  • Serhii Kholodov State Institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky”



children of primary school age, statodynamic posture, temporal walking structure, biomechanical aspects


Aim. Identify the features of walking temporal structure of almost healthy children aged 6-8 years.
Methods. To perform the tasks, there were used such research methods as scientific and methodological
literature and documentary materials analysis, videometry, “BioVideo” application package. Results. Walking
is a cyclic locomotor movement using the repulsion moves. A characteristic feature of walking is a constant
supporting leg contact (single support period) or both legs contact (double support period). Walking can serve
as a criterion of human motility state assessing. At the same time, the data accumulated over a centuries,
according to walking phase composition, the role and purpose of each of the phases in double step cycle, the
mechanism of main motor actions implementation, do not differ. Herewith, information on the formation of
walking biomechanics in younger schoolers is limited. Conducted studies show that the duration of double
support phase with left supporting leg in almost healthy boys aged 6 years is on average 0.12 s (S = 0.01 s), in
girls – 0.14 s (S = 0.01 c), at the same time in almost healthy 7 year-old boys and girls this phase duration
indicators are the same and are 0.14 s (S = 0.01 s), as well as in 8 year-old boys and girls and are 0.16 s
(S = 0.02 s in boys and S = 0.01 s in girls). It should be noted that a statistically significant difference in double
support phase duration with left supporting leg between boys and girls in each 7-8 year-old categories was not
observed (p> 0.05) in contrast to 6 year-old boys and girls, where indicators of this phase duration differed
statistically significantly (p <0.05), that was confirmed by Student’s criterion for independent samples. It also
should be noted that in the final phase of double walking step, there was a statistically significant duration
increase in 7 year-old girls, compared with boys of the same age by 0.04 s (p <0.05), its duration in 7 year-old
girls, and in 8year-old boys and girls is on average 0.24 s (S = 0.03 s in 7 year-old girls and 8year-old boys and
S = 0.02 s in 8 year-old girls ). Conclusion. As a result of the study, the walking cycle structure in almost
healthy 6-8 year-old children was studied, which significance was confirmed by objective time indicators. A
number of experts confirm the opinion that biomechanical locomotor act structure is almost completely formed
at the age of 7-8 years.
Keywords: children of primary school age, statodynamic posture, temporal walking structure, biomechanical


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