
  • Roman Sarapuk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University




swimming, inflammatory lung diseases, functional state


Aim. To establish the influence of swimming on the restoration of functional reserves of the cardiorespiratory
system after inflammatory lung diseases. Methods. The study involved 50 people (12 women and 38
men, mean age 42.01 ± 1.29 years) after inpatient treatment for inflammatory lung disease in the pulmonology
department of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Phthisiopulmonology Center. In agreement with the attending
physicians, they were sent to the sanatoriums “Diamond” and “Crystal” (Truskavets) where the main groups of
25 males and 6 females were created conditions for daily swimming for 18 days. The duration of each session
was 45 minutes, and the amount of physical activity – 400–800 m at a heart rate of 120–140 b/m. Control groups
were not used during their stay in the swimming sanatorium. A computer spirometer was used to assess the main
indicators of external respiration function Mіcrospіro HІ-501. Determination of total physical performance was
performed using a James test. The survey was performed twice (before and after the cycle of swimming).
Results. A comparative analysis of changes in the mean values of tidal volume and vital capacity of the lungs of
the control and main group of men shows that in the main group, these indicators of external respiration exceed
the control group by 10.9% and 4.0%, respectively (р<0,05). The analysis shows that for women, the values of
tidal volume and vital capacity of the lungs of the main group at the end of classes increased compared to the
control group by 5.0% and 12.4%, respectively. Probable changes were also found in both minute tidal volume,
forced tidal volume, and peak expiratory rate in both men and women. Conclusion. The use of swimming in the
recovery period of persons who have suffered from inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system provides
normalization of the functioning of both respiratory and cardiovascular systems, which indirectly indicates the
normalization of the mechanisms of neurohumoral regulation of body functions.
Keywords: swimming, inflammatory lung diseases, functional state.


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