
  • Andrii Poltavets Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University
  • Viacheslav Mulyk Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture
  • Andriі Kyyko Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture



military aviation pentathlon, obstacle course, crossfit, emotional and volitional sphere, reactive anxiety, cadets.


Aim. Assessment of emotional and volitional sphere, reactive anxiety and their changes in terms of
signs of fatigue after the stress test by the crossfit method in cadets in the context of planning training activities
in military aviation pentathlon. Methods. The following methods were used in the study: questionnaires,
psychological testing, mathematical and statistical analysis. The pedagogical experiment was attended by 48
first-year cadets of the Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National University of the Air Force (men), aged 17–18,
including 38 candidates for masters and 10 masters of sports. The level of situational (reactive) anxiety was
determined by the Spielberger test. To assess the stability of the emotional sphere used an indicator of emotional
lability on the scale of well-being VA Doskin. Statistical processing of the obtained data was performed by the
parametric method, and verification of the significance of the obtained data was performed using Student’s t-test
(for n <100) at a given level of reliability p = 0.95. Results. The initial indicators of cadets-athletes, candidates
for further training activities in military aviation pentathlon have been set. The distribution of candidates by
such sports as game, cyclic, complex-coordination sports and martial arts is carried out. Given that the
emotional-volitional sphere, reactive anxiety and cognitive abilities are integral indicators of the manifestation
of individual qualities of each athlete, psychophysical tests were selected, which show the most important
properties of the emotional-volitional sphere of athletes that can be used to predict the outcome. in military
aviation pentathlon. Conclusion. The heterogeneity of the initial indicators of the emotional and volitional
sphere, reactive anxiety and cognitive abilities of the candidates for the national team in military aviation
pentathlon has been established. Necessity of development of the uniform universal algorithm of training with
definition of obligatory control points – periods of an estimation of leading psychophysical abilities is proved
and the complex of auxiliary sports exercises (crossfit) for improvement of these or those indicators of emotional
and volitional sphere, reactive anxiety and cognitive abilities to cadets is developed. sport.
Key words: military aviation pentathlon, obstacle course, crossfit, emotional and volitional sphere,
reactive anxiety, cadets.


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23. Knapik J., Sharp M., Darakjy S. Temporal changes in the physical fitness of US army recruits, Sports Med.
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2017;17 (3): 2013-2018.
26. Pattyn N., Coeckelberghs E., Buys R. Aerobic interval training vs. moderate continuous training in coronary
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27. Pryimakov O., Iermakov, S. Kolenkov, O. Monitoring of functional fitness of combat athletes during the
precompetitive preparation stage. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2016; 16 (2): 551-561.




