Correction of the physical condition of children 5-6 year’s old which are training gymnastics in sport club




health gymnastics, health, health training


Aim. To carry out a theoretical analysis and generalization of the socio-pedagogical direction of recreational gymnastics for children 5-6 years old with an analysis of the state of posture, flat feet and SARS, taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of children and an analysis of the methods of recreational programs and conducting recreational gymnastics classes. Methods. During the research, theoretical analysis was used, namely the analysis and generalization of literary sources, systematization, comparison of different views on the investigated problem, content analysis of textbooks in order to study the theoretical and methodical foundations of recreational classes of sports school students.  Results. Health gymnastics for children is the most useful method of physical development, which helps to strengthen the child's body, which prevents the appearance of serious health problems. It is especially useful to engage in gymnastics for weakened, sickly children who have low immunity and are prone to numerous seasonal diseases. Specialists in health gymnastics, first of all, emphasize the physical development of the child. In addition, in the process of regular classes, they help a small person to form the correct posture, develop ligaments, joints, muscles, increase immunity, and prevent the development of flat feet. Conclusion. The main condition of children's health gymnastics is satisfaction, the child's desire to continue training. Gymnastics should take place in the form of health training and exciting games, which not only physically develop the child, but also contribute to the formation of children's intelligence and imagination.


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