



e-sports, sports, competition


The networked Internet society, which is part of the information world, has become the basis for the entire modern space. Today, people are completely dependent on technology, many things can be done today through the Internet, which is already becoming the main means of communication and a form of free time, which is also expressed in the form of connecting people to computer games. More than one generation of gamers has grown up, which has also created a whole community of people from different countries around them.
In the current time of development of digital and information technologies, the gaming industry has started to develop at a rapid pace all over the world. Every year, new computer games attract the attention of more and more players, fans and investors. The popularity and profitability of the gaming process has led to massive training and competitive activities in various games (disciplines). The concept of e-sports appeared, known as “computer sports” or “electronic sports” – an individual or team competition that takes place in a virtual space, simulated with the help of information technologies.
Currently, e-sports are one of the most dynamically growing types of modern sports. Already today, the number of his fans around the world is not inferior to the number of fans of the most popular types of traditional sports competitions. E-sports is becoming a mass movement around the world that unites millions of people of different nationalities, ages and citizenships, and it is obvious that every year its ranks will only multiply.
Despite its scale and mass, the phenomenon of e-sports is still little studied.
The purpose of the study is to determine the current state and prospects for the development of e-sports.
Research methods and organization: analysis of special literature and Internet sources.


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