



internally displaced persons, mature age, motor activity


The objective of the study is to determine the psychophysical condition of internally displaced women of mature age. Methods and organization of the research. In order to study the psychophysical condition of internally displaced women of mature age, 32 respondents who lived in Chernivtsi during the Russian-Ukrainian war were examined. A complex of general theoretical and empirical research methods was chosen to achieve the objectives: theoretical analysis of literature, sociological methods, psychodiagnostic research methods, Framingham method, pedagogical observation, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. Research findings. The paper describes the level of anxiety of internally displaced women of mature age according to the Taylor method; determines the unmotivated tendency to anxiety of internally displaced women of mature age according to the method of V. Boyko; diagnoses with depressive conditions; the levels of motor activity of the women under study were determined using the Framingham method. Conclusions. A comparative analysis of the psychophysical condition of internally displaced women of mature age made it possible to determine the level of anxiety. Thus, among the studied women, a low level of anxiety was determined in 3.1%, below the average level – in 6.2%, an average level – in 18.8%, in 21.9% of persons it was determined at an above average level, and a high level of anxiety was identified in 50.0% of female respondents. Express diagnosis of a tendency to unmotivated anxiety determined that most women have some tendency to anxiety (71.9%) and there is already an unnecessary anxiety that manifests itself vividly and has become an integral feature of behavior (25.0%). A subdepressive state (18.8%) and an already depressive state (18.8%) were found in the women under study. Motor activity of persons of mature age is mostly basic and sedentary level. External influences and an insufficient level of motor activity have a negative effect on the psychophysical state of persons of a mature age, which requires the development of preventive measures based on the use of means of health and recreational motor activity.


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