



possession of the ball, competitive activity, movement, structure, technical actions, football


In the article S. Dariichuk, A. Moldоvan, V. Stasyuk, A. Petrov “Peculiarities of the influence of the structure of competitive activity on the technical training of young football players” the specifics of the technical training of athletes aged 8-10 years in the context of future competitive activity are considered. Research methods are highlighted and its organization is described. Recommendations are given on the use of new methodical approaches to the construction of multi-year training of young football players. Yes, it is necessary to start training not with kicking a stationary ball, but with dribbling and circling. According to the authors, the hours allocated to technical training should be redistributed according to the data on the structure of competitive activity. The implemented and experimentally justified redistribution of hours should increase the level of technical training of young football players, especially at the initial stages of training. The need to teach football technique using “connections, based on types of dribbling, as a basis for successful execution of basic game actions” is singled out. Based on the analysis of training programs for junior high schools, training and competitive activities, as well as the results of a series of experiments, the authors came to the conclusion that a methodical approach to improving technical skills does not contribute to the proper level of effectiveness of this type of training of young football players. Changes in the training material can be achieved due to the redistribution of the volume of resources by increasing the number of exercises in practical classes, which involve the purposeful improvement of the technique of possession of the ball in conditions of high-speed movements. At the same time, the principle of the sequence of teaching football technique should be revised in the initial training groups, i.e. it is necessary to start with teaching such elements as dribbling the ball with the foot in different variations, beating opponents with the help of circling, i.e. in accordance with the received data on the structure of competitive activity.


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