



self-esteem, men, women, physical health


The purpose of the study was to determine the peculiarities of self-assessment of physical health of mature people. Research methods used: theoretical analysis of scientific literature, questionnaires, psychological research methods, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. When comparing the results of the self-description of physical development, it was found that men aged 20-29 years noted the scale of endurance – 100%, athletic abilities – 89.58%, coordination – 88.89%, low scores were given to the scales of body slimness – 51.39%, health – 58.33%. At the age of 30-39, men scored the highest – 80.56% – on the self-esteem scale. Health and slimness of the body – 79.17%. At the age of 40-49, self-esteem is 82.25%, health – 81.25%, and appearance – 77.78%. Physical activity drops from 84.72% in 20-29 years to 59.78%. After the age of 50, men show negative dynamics in almost all indicators and the average score from the maximum on all scales is 65.75%, the highest data remain in the self-esteem scale – 69.72%, 69.25% of men noted in the strength scale and 68.55% in the appearance scale. Women aged 20-29 gave the highest score to appearance – 77.78%, self-esteem – 75%, coordination of movements – 74.08%. At the age of 30-39, there are changes in priorities towards self-esteem – 75.38%, appearance – 70.58%, health 69.60%. At the age of 40-49, self-esteem is 78.13%, health – 76.04%, coordination – 70.39%. After the age of 50, the value for all indicators in women decreases to 59.51% of the maximum indicator, i.e. it goes from a confidently high to an average level, but at the same time, the highest percentage of women leave self-esteem (70.28%), then appearance (67.54%) and body slimness (66.29%). Conclusions. It was found that in general, six eleven indicators in men tend to decrease with age. Thus, such indicators as coordination of movements, athletic abilities, global physical “I”, strength, flexibility, endurance gradually lose strength with age, in each age decade. Women have the lowest endurance throughout their lives.


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