



pedagogical activity, educational process, physical culture and sport


Currently, the issue of training specialists in physical education, who take an active part in the formation of a healthy lifestyle of pupils and students, requires special attention.
The article analyzes the current state and problems of the formation of professional skills of future teachers of physical culture by means of innovative technologies. The foundation of this process should be the principles of humanization of education, a person-oriented approach, updating the content and forms of organization of education in accordance with world standards, which have become the basis of the national doctrine of education development. Strengthening the requirements for professional training of physical culture specialists aims to modernize the educational and pedagogical process and change the structure of its organization. theoretically substantiated problems of training future teachers of physical culture, the current state of professional training of students in higher education institutions is outlined. The essence of the concept “professional training of the future teacher of physical culture” is revealed.
The diversity of educational and professional training programs is reflected in the content, structural construction, provision of the variable part, different approaches to practical training and the organization of state certification.
We see an increase in the effectiveness of the training of physical education specialists in the establishment of an appropriate ratio between fundamental and professional-pedagogical components, between theoretical and practical-active components of the educational process; formation of future specialists’ interest in professional and pedagogical knowledge, professional self-actualization and self-determination. Emphasis is placed on the importance of activity and integrative approaches in the training of future specialists.


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