



dance sport, anxiety, coping behavior, personal resources


Introduction. Today, dance sport has a very high popularity in Ukraine and the world, which is due to its beauty and spectacle. The specifics of modern sports dances and the competitive activity of dance couples allow us to talk about situational emotional stability as a factor that ensures the reliability and effectiveness of dancers’ actions. At the same time, a significant level of emotional excitement, tension, and anxiety negatively affects the performance of athletes’ competitive activities. The purpose of the study is to investigate the level of anxiety and the choice of coping behaviors of partners in dance couples at the initial stage of training. Material and research methods. To assess the level of anxiety of athletes in stressful situations, the scale of personal and situational anxiety (C.D. Spielberger, adapted by Y.L. Khanin) [9, 14], as well as the technique “Coping behavior in stressful situations” [14, 17] was used. Nine dance couples aged 10-13 took part in the study, the athletes’ qualifications ranged from E to D class. Results. Young men have a more pronounced coping strategy “orientation to solving the task” and “distraction”, while girls are more inclined to use the coping strategy “orientation to emotions” and “social distraction”. Research confirms previously obtained data on gender dependence when using coping behaviors, but young athletes have lower scores on indicators than adults. Compared to girls, boys have a higher level of both situational and personal anxiety. The level of situational anxiety in young men is higher than the level of anxiety in girls by 10.8%, and the level of personal anxiety by 8.9%. It was determined that the most significant correlations between indicators of boys and girls in the coping strategy “avoidance” (r=0.81; p<0.05) and “distraction” (r=0.69; p<0, 05), at the same time, the lowest level was found between the indicators of boys and girls in the coping strategy “orientation on solving the task” (r=0.39; p>0.05) and “orientation on emotions” (r=0, 44; p>0.05). Conclusion. Comparing the results, it can be stated that girls have a lower level of anxiety and at the same time tend to use the coping behaviors “orientation on emotions” and “social distraction”. Young men have a higher level of anxiety and more pronounced coping strategies “task orientation”, “avoidance” and “distraction”.


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