



officers, servicemen, professional and applied physical training, morphological status


The article presents the results of a comprehensive study of indicators of physical development and body composition of 201 operational-level officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the conditions of the legal regime of martial law, the average age of them was 36.4 years. The purpose of the study was to investigate the condition of physical development of military personnel and determine the structure of corelation between indicators of morphological status and body composition. The following research methods were used to solve the set goal: the analysis of scientific and methodical literature, the generalization of advanced practices in the field of theory and methods of physical education of different population groups, the theory and organization of physical training of troops were used as the main theoretical research methods. Anthropometric methods and the bioelectrical impedance analysis were used to study physical development and body composition. Statistical processing of the recieved data was carried out using the package “Statistika 10.0” (Stat Soft, USA). Research results. The analysis of indicators of physical development and body composition of operational-level officers made it possible to identify 24.4% (n=49) of people who have excess body weight, and their body mass index were in the range of 30-33 kg/m2, which indicates a “smooth” gradation. In the form of a deficit of the total body fat content of 5% (n=11) of officers have disorders of lipid metabolism, their individual results were in the range of 6.5% and 8.9%, and an excess of the age norm of fat mass in 55.2% (n=111) of officers. During the scientific research, we established a large number of close correlations between the investigated indicators of body composition and girth sizes. Thus, the girth of the neck, wrist, chest, waist and pelvis have high direct and inverse correlations at the level of r=0.148 at p<0.05 to r=0.901 at p<0.001. Conclusion. The obtained results made it possible to determine a number of changes in the morphological status that occurred in operational-level officers during the performance of their professional duties under the legal regime of martial law. And also establish the structure of correlations between the studied indicators of physical development and body composition. The results of the study will be used to strengthen the professional and applied physical training of officers.


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