



women, circuit training, strength, simulators, fitness


The authors of the article “Peculiarities of the development of strength abilities in women aged 21-28 by the circuit training method” O. Tsybanyuk, O. Nikolaychuk, Sh. Kovach emphasized the relevance of the topic, because the growing popularity of strength training among women is primarily related to the possibility quickly adjust the figure, and not only improve the functional state of the body and increase the level of physical performance. Also, they agreed with the experts’ conclusions about the lack of a single approach to the organization of women’s training, which ensures the effective development of strength abilities taking into account physiological characteristics. The pedagogical experiment was implemented in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the developed method of developing the strength of women aged 21-28 by means of fitness on the basis of the fitness club “Author’s School of Dance “Tais”. A total of 14 women participated in the study. The effectiveness of the developed methodology was determined during a pedagogical experiment. Classes in the experimental and control groups provided a significant difference in the main part due to the use of the circuit training method. The characteristics are clearly defined: the weight of the load, the time of the exercise and rest between sets, the number of laps, etc. We have divided the planned exercises for the development of strength in women into groups – with the use of barbells, dumbbells, with the use of simulators, with the use of one’s own weight. Based on these exercises, exercise selection programs were created – 9 for each day, 3 programs – 1, 2 and 3 days. Each training (proposed 3-day cycle) involves performing 9 of the 27 proposed exercises, in the experimental one – using the circular training method. A conclusion was made about the effectiveness of its use in the direction of strength development in women of a given age, recommendations were given for the organization of strength fitness classes: the number of training sessions per week – 3; the duration of the main part of the training is up to 60 minutes; the preparatory part of the class should include general and special warm-ups; for the development of strength abilities, use the interval method of circuit training, etc.


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