physical education and sports rehabilitation, regulatory and legal aspects, multidisciplinary teams, educational program, person with a disability, adaptationAbstract
Annotation. The article raises the problem of regulatory aspects of physical culture and sports rehabilitation. The regulatory and legislative framework for the physical culture and sports rehabilitation of war veterans, members of their families and families of deceased (deceased) war veterans, persons with disabilities, citizens who suffered as a result of military actions is determined, which should ensure the equality of such individuals regardless of the presence or absence of certain physical, physiological or psychological limitations, such principles of forming the state's social policy are priorities and indicate the European principles of the development of a democratic state. It is revealed that in Ukraine, under martial law, there is a constant need to restore and strengthen the health of the population, institutions, organizations and associations for the provision of physical culture and rehabilitation services, both state, municipal and private property, are actively emerging. Such institutions are in dire need of qualified specialists in physical culture and sports rehabilitation. The study of the regulatory and legislative framework has shown the possibility of forming complex multidisciplinary teams of specialists and professionals in physical culture and sports rehabilitation, which will contribute to high-quality, rational and accelerated processes of recovery and recovery of the specified category of persons. In the future, we see an improvement in the content and structure of the educational components of the educational program "Physical culture and sports rehabilitation" for the second (master's) level of higher education in terms of training future professionals who will be able to compete in the market for providing physical culture and sports rehabilitation services.
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