Psychological Resources of Personal and Professional Adaptation of Socionomic Industries




specialists of socionomic profile, personal-professional adaptation, social-psychological parameters of personal-professional adaptation, psychological resources of personal-professional adaptation


Abstract. Purpose of the study is to identify the psychological resources of personal and professional adaptation of specialists in the field of socionomics. Methods. The study used methods of observation, interview, questionnaire, document analysis, method of expert assessments, methods of diagnosis of socio-psychological attitudes of the individual in the field of motivation and needs, values, emotional intelligence, self-esteem; questionnaires of ability and readiness for self-development and self-knowledge; overall self-efficacy; self-actualization; reflexivity, meaningful life orientations; communicative competence; style of self-regulation of behavior; attitude to work, burnout; methods of diagnostics of procedural indicators of activity of a specialist of socionomic profile and his satisfaction with the profession. Results. The social and psychological resources of personal and professional adaptation of socionomics specialists and the parameters of their professional success in the conditions of modern society are revealed. It is established that the leading resources of personal-professional adaptation of socionomic specialists are: in values ​​– self-actualization in creativity, in content – generativeness, ie internal motivation of the specialist's personality, which determines and supports the process of his adaptation in profession and through profession. derivatives of professional success as a ratio of self-assessments of satisfaction with activities and realizations in the form of psychological time of the individual. It was found that the cognitive and instrumental basis of the process of personal and professional adaptation of socionomic specialists is socio-psychological competence, which provides reflexive and conative resources of their self-change and self-improvement, in particular in the system of training and retraining. It is shown that the actualization of resources of personal and professional adaptation of socionomic specialists is facilitated by modern psychotechnologies (psychologically competent professional counseling, coaching, group psychological training, creative techniques and creativity development, methods of transactional analysis and art therapy, behavioral methods and techniques for self-regulation). system of their socio-psychological support and aimed at preventing burnout, negative deviance and destructive tendencies.


Author Biography

Ihor Zhyharenko, Volodymyr Dahl East-Ukrainian National University

Doctor of Psychology, Associate Professor, Professor of  the Department of Psychology and Sociology




