Procedural and Effective Characteristics of Life Choice of Personality in Modern Society




personality, early adulthood, personal maturity, social maturity, life choices


Abstract. Purpose. The aim of the study is to identify the procedural and effective characteristics of a person's life choices in early adulthood. Methods. The study used methods of observation, conversation, question­naires, psychodiagnostic techniques to determine the life position of the individual and his life tasks, the study of current life, values ​​and systems of life meanings; features of semantic life orientations, dominant personal orientation and level of social frustration, socio-psychological adaptability and specifics of gender roles and assessment of relationships with the social environment; methods of diagnosis of internal / external motivational orientation, basic needs, curiosity, responsibility of the individual, the parameters of his self-esteem (both conscious and implicit), motivational induction and life orientations. Results. Procedural and effective characteristics of a person's life choice in the period of early adulthood are revealed. It is established that the procedural characteristics reflect the conscious involvement of the individual, the degree of his independence and confidence in the implementation of life choices (their features are due to gender, age, levels of personal and social maturity in early adulthood); performance characteristics determine the content and spatio-temporal perspective of the choice and are expressed in the self-esteem of respondents. It is emphasized that the characteristics of life choices in terms of its result can be methodically diagnosed according to the respondents' time to achieve the desired result of the choice. The socio-psychological features of the life choice of the individual in early adulthood include: age features of the period of ontogenesis, which are determined by cultural, historical, psychophysiological and psychological and individual characteristics of the individual, his life position and life tasks; prolongation in time; future orientation; awareness of compliance of their professional and personal qualities with the requirements of the profession; the degree of formation of the system of value orientations and meanings of life and giving preference to the current version of life.

Keywords: personality, early adulthood, personal maturity, social maturity, life choices.

Author Biography

Halyna Pobokina, Volodymyr Dahl East-Ukrainian National University

Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor of

the Department Practical Psychology and Social Work

Volodymyr Dahl East-Ukrainian National University




