The inner Picture of a Person’s sexual health




sexual health, internal picture of sexual health, sexual behavior


Purpose of a comprehensive analysis of the internal picture of sexual health.
Results. The article proposes to consider the concept of the internal picture of sexual health as an
independent psychological category, which includes rational ideas, emotional and behavioral reactions associated
with the state of sexual health. The types and functions of the internal picture of human sexual health are considered.
In particular, the somato-oriented type in which somatic health seems to be a more important area than
sexual. The second type of internal picture of sexual health is socially oriented, where sexual health is viewed from
the standpoint of social norms and attitudes. The third type of internal picture of sexual health is considered from the
standpoint of psychological well-being and can be described as personality-oriented.
The internal picture of health manifests itself through a system of functions, such as guiding, regulatory,
cognitive-structuring, prognostic, creodizing, sanogenic and communicative-optimizing functions.
The content of the internal picture of sexual health is structured through the system of components. The
sensitive component of the internal picture of sexual health is based on the scheme of the body, its psychological
image, confidence in their sexuality. Habitual ways of experiencing one’s own sexuality are determined by the
emotional component where special importance is attached to the sphere of partnership. The cognitive component of
the internal picture of sexual health includes the individual’s rational ideas about sexual health, the mechanisms of
its formation and maintenance. The core of the internal picture of sexual health is the value-motivational component.
Behavioral component – related to the actualization of human activities to maintain sexual health.
Conclusions. The selection of sexual health as a separate phenomenon suggests the existence of an internal
picture of sexual health as a special mechanism for its regulation.
There is a need for further empirical research, taking into account individual psychological and gender

Author Biographies

Myroslava Hasyuk, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

Ph.D., Psychological Sciences
Associate Professor of Department of General
and Clinical Psychology

Oksana Fedyk, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

Ph.D., Psychological Sciences
Associate Professor of Department of General
and Clinical Psychology,




