


athletics, physical education, physical training, complex-variative method, students


In this article the authors considered the peculiarities of building classes of physical education of students of general groups of NTU “KPI" specializing in “Athletics” with different levels of physical fitness. A set of physical exercises in the educational process, which would be available to each student, were selected and implemented. The indicators of physical fitness of students were also tested and analyzed in the work. A set of exercises for the classes of the complex-variant method was developed, based on the means and methods of training in athletics. The results of the study indicate an improvement in the training of each individual student with the systematic use of the complex-variative method. Objective. To study and analyze the level of physical fitness of students of general groups of NTU “KPI” specializing in “Athletics”. To develop, experimentally substantiate and implement into the curriculum complexes of exercises based on a complex-variative method aimed at improving the physical fitness of students of these groups. Provide recommendations for conducting athletics classes. Material and methods of research. The methods of research that were used to achieve the set goal in the work: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature data; pedagogical methods; analysis, systematization and generalization; method of mathematical statistics. Obtained results. The complex-variative method allowed qualitatively choose exercises depending on the level of physical fitness of students and at the same time increase the level of effectiveness of classes for general groups of NTU “KPI”, which led to the improvement and harmonious development of all physical qualities of students who are specializing in “Athletics”. Conclusions. The introduction of a complex-variative method of training in athletics has improved physical fitness of students. Due to the use of this method the educational process was rationally adapted to the study of each student with different level of physical fitness.


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