



advanced age, health and recreational motor activity, fitness


The objective of the research is to determine the impact of wellness activities on the psycho-emotional state of elderly men in the conditions of a fitness club. Methods and organization of the research. To achieve the objectives set in the work, a complex of interconnected and complementary methods and techniques was used, which were applied at the theoretical and empirical levels: theoretical, pedagogical (pedagogical observations, pedagogical experiments), sociological (conversations, interviews, questionnaires), psychodiagnostic and mathematical statistics. The research was carried out on the basis of the fitness club “FizCultura” for six months. 48 men aged 60-6 participated in the study. The average passport age was 62.7 years. Evaluating the wellness effect of fitness classes, we emphasized the most important indicators, such as indicators of motor activity, dynamics of life quality indicators, life satisfaction, social and psychological adaptation. Research findings. As a result of pedagogical influence during fitness classes, indicators of life satisfaction, psychological and social adaptation and level of wellbeing, activity, and mood improved in men aged 60-65. Conclusions. Verification of the effectiveness of the author’s technology in fitness clubs showed that a positive impact is characterized by significant changes on the indicators of the elderly in the satisfaction index. At the beginning of the research, 9.6% of men with a high level of life satisfaction index (LSI) were recorded, but at the end, 28.6% of men were identified (p=0.05). Social and psychological adaptation was another positive criterion of technology. At the end of the research, a high assessment of the adaptation indicator was recorded (79.4 ± 0.3 points) (p=0.05). Alongside, with an increase in the motor regime in the participants, indicators of the life quality, mental and physical performance improved, the rate of aging decreased, cognitive functions improved, psycho-emotional state also improved.


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