

physical education, means, psychological stability, martial law, recovery, health, adaptation, preschool children, preschool educational institutions


The article substantiates modern organizational and methodical approaches to physical education in preschool education institutions and their impact on increasing children psychological stability under martial law. The investigation is based on the analysis and generalization of data from literary sources, government documents, surveys (questionnaires) of educators and specialists in physical education in preschool institutions of Lutsk, pedagogical observations. In this article the effectiveness of physical education influence on childs’ psycho-emotional state and preparation for new Ukrainian school requirements has been proven. Emphasis is placed on the need to use a variety of methods and individual approaches, specifically aimed at ensuring a positive psycho-emotional state of preschoolers, health-improving and educational influences in the process of physical education; strengthening children’s health; increasing interest in classes and forming the self-care skills for one’s health. The system of physical education in the preschool educational institutions has a complex nature, as it effectively affects the child’s body, mental development, physical readiness for various types of activities and learning the school’s physical culture program in the future; mastering the basics of a healthy lifestyle, as well as provides physical development, forms character. Together, these components form the highest value of life – the child’s health


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3. Додаток до листа МОН від 27.07. 2022 № 1/8504-22 Методичні рекомендації про окремі питання діяльності закладів дошкільної освіти у 2022/2023 навчальному році. URL: https://mon.gov.ua/ua/ npa/pro-okremi-pitannya-diyalnosti-zakladiv-doshkilnoyi-osviti-u-20222023-navchalnomu-roci.
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5. Як заспокоїти дітей під час війни. URL: https://mon.gov.ua/ua/news/monzapuskaye-informacijnu-kampaniyu-pro-te-yak-zaspokoyiti-ditej-pid-chas-vijni.
6. Як подбати про дитину, якщо ви знаходитеся з нею в укритті: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=VpJXr3UXCvo.
7. Освітня програма “Дитина”. URL: https://rada.info/upload/users_files/41765931/69ed396ed55f10117 d4117a68cff658c.

