



physical activity, traditional cultural values, promotion of a healthy lifestyle


Goal. To determine the directions of strengthening of society’s commitment in the search for ways to popularize and realize the importance of physical activity and its benefits for the health of children and adolescents, to create legislative prerequisites in China for the realization of a consensus on youth's physical activity at the state level. Research methods. Generalization of data from scientific and methodological literature, Internet resources and documentary sources on the history of the development of physical education of youth in China, retrospective and comparative-historical methods. Results. Given the traditional cultural values and expectations associated with academic achievement in China, there was a need to develop physical activity programs that would enable children to shift their time from desk-bound positions and homework to physical activity (from light to high intensity) at home. Children and adolescents who engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity have better health regardless of the time they spend sitting. There is evidence to suggest that replacing sedentary time or low-intensity physical activity with moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity in children and adolescents can reduce cardiometabolic risk factors, including waist circumference, systolic blood pressure, and cholesterol. China’s strategic goal is to increase the proportion of young people achieving excellent physical fitness from the current rate of 50% to 60% by 2030. Conclusion. Thus, the reform of the physical education system at the state level in China is based on active educational work in the field of promoting a healthy lifestyle among the population and involving young people in active physical education and sports.


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