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  • Ольга Римар Львівський державний університет фізичної культури імені Івана Боберського
  • Анастасія Залецька Львівський державний університет фізичної культури імені Івана Боберського


жінки 35-45 років, фізичне виховання, фітнес програма Барре.


The aim is to conduct an analysis and delineate the distinctive features of conducting sessions within the Barre fitness program. Materials and Methods. Theoretical analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature, as well as sourcing information from the global Internet, utilizing documentary methods, employing systems analysis, and employing methods of comparison and contrast.

Results and Conclusions. It has been established that the idea of incorporating ballet exercises into the content of physical education and health classes for women of different ages belongs to the German ballerina Lotte Berk. In the late 1950s, she developed the future fitness program Barre, then known as the Lotte Berk Method, aimed at restoring the physical condition of women after injuries, based on a combination of rehabilitation therapy and elements of ballet dance. Later, her program spread to various countries, undergoing further modernization and was named Barre.

The main distinction of the Barre fitness program lies in its combination of ballet, Pilates, yoga, functional, and strength training elements. This program is often performed using ballet bars and auxiliary equipment. It has been established that the Barre fitness program aims to strengthen body muscles, improve stability and flexibility, enhance posture, and coordination.

The ballet part of the Barre fitness program includes exercises of classical dance (ballet), movements of free plasticity, balance exercises, and equilibrium. The Pilates component of the Barre fitness program is oriented towards working with the deep muscles of the body (stabilizing muscles), exercises are performed in a static mode and have a small range of motion. The yoga component is manifested in the application of stretching techniques and breathing exercises, which increase internal energy, improve mood and sleep, reduce body pain syndromes, and lower mental tension.


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2024-08-21 — Updated on 2024-08-21
