Emblematic meanings in cognitive paradigm


  • Oleksandr Soletskyi Department of Ukrainian Literature, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (UKRAINE)




emblematic meanings, emblem, cognitive science, signification, modification


Aim. The paper deals with the study of emblematic meanings in a cognitive framework. The effect of an «emblem» and associated with the emblematic mechanisms phenomena have been examined in conformity with the cognitive principles. The purpose of the paper is to compare and interpret emblematic forms and schemes in different contexts, and to identify functional similarities in modelling cognitive meanings. Methods. The study uses a systemic approach with cultural-historical, genetic, hermeneutic and semiotic methods. The author draws on the scientific methodology of semiotics and hermeneutics and employs the cognitive theory of literature (cognitive poetics). This is due to the distinctive nature of the study, its subject of inquiry and scope of research. Based on the genetic tracing of the functionality of emblematic forms, their structural and cognitive affinity in formatting and modelling meanings has been determined. Results. The paper reviews the history of emblematic forms studies, noting their diverse nominations and consolidated semantic generalizations, the history of their functioning and their cultural and cognitive effects. By comparing the manifestation of emblematic structures in myth-making, philosophy and literature, their paradigmatic involvement in the production, perception, and interpretation of meanings has been defined. Drawing on this review, the ‘emblem’ effect and emblematic mechanisms in the organization of cognitive models and the structuring of cultural and literary meanings emerge. Originality. The paper summarizes the findings of many scholars who have studied the functionality of emblematic meanings in different contexts and deduces the weight of emblematic mechanisms in the cognitive paradigm. Practical significance. The paper provides a basis for further studies on meaning modelling processes. The findings can underpin coursework and graduation theses.





Theory of literture