Pridneprovye in the journalism of K. Stanyukovich and V. Gilyarovskyi


  • Olena Huseva Department of Advertising and Public Relations, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University



author-character, author-narrator, veracity, essay, Dnipro region, travel essay


Aim. Analysis of the problems and genre-style features of the travel essay of the late XIX century. As a rule, a travel essay combines the features of a problematic essay, which is characteristic of journalism of K. Stanyukovich and V. Gilyarovskyi. Research technique. The methods of generalization, analysis and synthesis are used in the article which helped to reconstruct and explore the dissimilar features of travel essays. The results of the study. The article examines the journalism of Konstantin Stanyukovich and Vladimir Gilyarovskyi, who visited Dnipro region at different times. The constant presence of the author narrative in the foreground, explaining, commenting, painting industrial development of the steppe region in their characteristic bright individual manner and people who are passionate about creative work and the feverish pursuit of profit, gives the essays special dynamism, expressiveness and, at the same time, convincing documentary evidence. Scientific novelty. The narrative genre is characterized by a narrative situation due to the identity of the narrator’s world and the characters’; the author-character is present in the story, is a participant and observer of the depicted events. A travel essay is usually written after the end of the journey, when the author identifies the most significant and vivid episodes in his work, in his opinion. If we keep in mind the travel essays of the late 19th – early 20th centuries (and of a later period almost until the end of the 20th century), then we cannot speak of the «purity» of the genre, since, as a rule, they are a synthesis with other varieties of the essay, for example problematic, portrait, etc. Therefore, the essays of K. Stanyukovich and V. Gilyarovskyi combine the features of a travelling and problematic essay. Practical value. The results of the study can be used in the development of special courses for the study of genres of documentary literature and journalism. Key 





Slavonic literatures